Tuesday, February 3, 2015

But I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now

I once wrote (on this very blog..) that all I need to write is a bottle of cheap merlot and a Dylan album cranked up too loudly to produce this entertaining drivel that I appreciate so greatly that my close friends still read. I had all but forgotten about that magical combination over the years, I'm more of an IPA and NPR guy now. For whatever reasons I saw a reference to Dylan's "My Back Pages" tonight and it struck a chord and brought me back here.

I'm moving this month. Across the country yet again. The song lyrics that share the headline of this post are resonating so hard with me right now. Back when I used to update this regularly I had no qualms about picking up my life and blowing in the wind. Flagstaff happened on a whim, Denver happened on a whim and then I got stuck and grown up and lived in a house and had a dog and bills and responsibilities and someone wanted to pay me real money…

And then something magical happened. I met and fell in love with my best friend and we lived so hard and climbed and rode and skied more than I ever have in my entire life. And we traveled and cooked and lived my dream life for more than a while. And than she moved to Portland because she was accepted to medical school.

And then I remembered that life isn't that hard and if I want to move than I can just move, I don't want to short sell this… I worked my ass off to get a decent job but it didn't take too long and they hired me over the phone. Molly and I both hustled like mad to get out of leases and bills and commitments to forward our lives, but we did it. But here's the trick, having a house and a dog and objects larger than a backpack are no reason to stay somewhere. I don't know why I turned into such a stuck curmudgeon over the years in a city I really didn't' choose to live in happened but I'm back on the road.

So maybe I'll write here more now, maybe not, maybe no one reads this but at least it's here.

So cheers to wandering, and cheers to being younger than you previously were. I hope that you all will digress in age and responsibility with me (if only just a touch).

1 comment:

  1. Boooo. But really, I'm happy for you. Really. (I already have a Portland folder on Airbnb for when we visit.)
